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Choosing a Standardized Test

Standardized testing is optional in South Carolina, but I know many of you have asked about different types of tests. The link below is a comprehensive guide to many of the tests out there. The article itself comes from Virginia, but many of the tests listed are available in all states.

Below are links to some of the more widely known tests. We are not associated with any of these tests or sites. This is just a beginners guide to help you get started on your testing journey if you so choose.

BJU along with several other sites offers both Iowa and Stanford tests. See article above for descriptions and requirements for each test option. Below is a link for BJU.

Alpha Omega offers placement testing for your child. Link below

BASI test

The Basic Achievement Skills Inventory (BASI) is a commercially published, norm-referenced achievement test that assesses math, reading, and language skills for children and adults.

These are just a few tests of the many that are described in the article above. Please read about all of them to find what will be the best fit for your family.



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